Links — Andrey Ozornin Algorithms
- Analytical anti-aliasing by FrostKiwi, on different approaches to the smooth rendering of shape edges, with live demos of every one of them.
Organizations worth supporting
- GiveWell — credibly evaluate the cost-effectiveness of charities measured in lives saved per dollar spent and donate to the top.
- The Life You Can Save — does just about the same
- EFF. Digital rights, privacy, right to repair. Good things.
- Wikimedia. You know them. The world without them would be way worse.
- Khan Academy. School-level education in English for everyone
- OpenStreetMap Foundation. Free and open (Public Domain) map data for everyone.
- Internet Archive - WaybackMachine is a blast. They are going through a lawsuit and really hope they win.
Personal blogs I find interesting
- Charity Majors is the CTO of Honeycomb. Writes on being an engineering manager.
- Pluralistic by Cory Doctorow. Sci-fi writer, punches monopolies and capitalism in general.
- Pragmatic Engineer by Gergely Orosz.
- Astral Codex Ten by Scott Alexander. Psychiatrist based in Bay Area, writes about Bayes, rationalism, effective altruism and, well, psychiatry.
- Where’s Your Ed At by Ed Zitron. On AI,
Products I use: