🚪 Quit Instagram
It’s that simple. Better relationship; better sleep; more free time; more money; meaningful social interactions. You get it all almost instantly when you quit Instagram. The price you pay is that you’ll have to face the inner void once in a while. It might feel bad, but is good. It means that you are finally free to fill it with good things you want in your life.
Quitting Instagram is easier than quitting smoking, easier than keeping a low-carb diet, easier than exercising regularly, and it costs you nothing. In fact, the cost for you is negative, because you buy less overpriced clothing with minimalist logos and oversold masterclasses you regret signing up to.
You get a more meaningful life, because your focus shifts to how your life feel from how it looks. You feel less inferior, because you observe more often how people live, rather than how they want you to believe they live. Your mood improves because you don’t see as much emotionally charged attention bait.
There is an illusion of social connection that keeps so many good people I know attached to Instagram. This is a cheap substitute of meeting people: pasteurized, sugary and stripped of any nutritional value. If anything, the connections with people you want to keep up with will become closer if you text them “Hi, how are you doing?” once a month or, I know, it sounds crazy, give a call. Bonus: after quitting Instagram, you won’t have to keep seeing the faces of the people you did not want to see but were kinda uncomfortable to unsubscribe from.
Without Instagram, life becomes better in so many dimensions, and doesn’t become worse in any. It’s a rare, almost unique case where you can gain so much for so little without trading off anything significant. Quit it for good.